There's this phrase we use alot. That I use alot. I'll be having a horrible day, or just a tough minute, and God will bring something into my day that changes my perspective, or lifts me up, or just lets me know that its going to be ok. And in response I say, "Man thats CRAZY how God always knows what I need!"
Really, is it crazy? Why am I continually surprised when the Lord takes care of me, comforts me, lifts me up and brushes off the dirt and sets me on my feet again. HELLO, He's God. He promised He would! "I will supply your every need...I am with you to the end of the age...I will never leave you or forsake you..." Even as I type this I am amazed at how quickly I underestimate Him. I shouldn't be so surprised when I am provided for. I should have a thankful, praising awe, yes. God probably has a great time laughing at the looks on my face sometimes. I can just hear Him saying "Oh Kelsie, I promised you I'd be here! Silly girl!" Yeah God, I totally deserve that.
Well anyways, He provided again last night!! Harvest had college night. It was really neat, just about ten or fifteen of us there, powerful worship in the quietness, and a talk on relationships. No, not the "5 simple truths to have a great relationship" talk. We talked about Jeremiah 2:13, the verse where it compares the Lord's pure living water with the broken cisterns that are cracked, muddy, filthy, contaminated. See, in relationships we seek satisfaction. Thats who we are as people. (By the way, this isn't just boyfriend-girlfriend relationships, we talked about relationships in general.) But if we continually base our satisfaction in broken cisterns instead of the fresh pure LIVING water of God, then we set ourselves up for failure again and again. We can't come close to God's plan for love if we don't put Him at the center of all we do. Our submission and sacrifice should be a run off of the submission and sacrifice we give to our Lord. God ordained relationships, but sometimes (ok, OFTEN) our view of relationships is pretty skewed from what He originally had planned.
It was a great reminder to me that my main satisfaction HAS to be in my God. It sounds so stupid as I type it, because it seems like a simple truth. But so many things are crowding in every day for that satisfaction. Our society is a right here, right now, what's in front of my face this minute type of society. There can be so many many good things in my life, and it can even be God's plan that they are there. But I need to balance them out so that God is the One above all else. So tying back in with what I said at the beginning, why wouldn't I want Him to be above all else? He knows every fiber of my being, every desire I have, every dream I have, every hurt, every thought, He gets it! And He loves me. Thats a powerful powerful God.
I am so completely thoroughly beyond blessed. I would go so far as to say that though there have been so extreme valleys in the past six months, I'm coming to the part where God is showing me the mountain!! He has shown me that He completely works everything together for good for those who love Him. Again, a simple truth but SO SO real to me right now.
But in the valley, or in the mountain, He IS and WILL satisfy. We need to let Him.
Well as usual this blog went nowhere the direction I thought it would when I typed my first words. But here it is, some of my thoughts on a screen.
God KNOWS what we need.
He WANTS to provide it.
Its an uncomparable feeling when we let go, and give it up.
There's beauty in the breakdown.
The world says Hold on. Be independant. Don't let anyone get the best of you.
Put yourself first. They don't deserve you. Or, you don't deserve them. Keep your head up.
JESUS says lose your life to gain it. Turn the other cheek. Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. The last shall be first.
Live as a contradiction, to what the world expects. Not to be different just because. Be different because there's a hope and a promise as we press on to reach the end of the race.
always love-
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