a heart set apart

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year...today

New Years Day. 2010. Hmm, feels weird typing that. A new decade! Well, one of the new things I decided to do this year was to start blogging. I love writing. For me, its therapeutic to try to make some organized somewhat poetic sense of what is flying around inside of my head and all the things that are whirling around in the world around me. I have millions of little thoughts stuck in my head. Do you? Sometimes, they just need to come out.

Well, if you don’t know me (which you probably do if you’re taking the time to read this), I am Kelsie.
I love people.
I love making people happy.
I love laughter. The deep rolling come-from-way-down-deep-inside-your-tummy kind of laughter that leaves you gasping for air and feeling good.
I love children. Especially the middle school kind. You know, the kind most people DON’T like. Teaching them someday, that’s my dream. Because you know what they say, “the ones who are hardest to love are the ones that need it the most.”
I love those early mornings, or late nights, when its me and my Bible and a cup of coffee and its so quiet I can hear You speaking to me.
I also especially love coffee, chocolate, sunshine, being wrapped up in a blanket by a fire, music of all shapes and sizes, coloring, painting, playing outside, taking pictures, farms, horses, and the smell of Coconut Lime Verbena.

But enough about me.

Today I was listening to the radio, and I heard some familiar lyrics. They hit me a little bit different today though.

“and TODAY is all we have now…This is your life, are you who you want to be?” (switchfoot)

The name of the game today is all about New Year’s resolutions. We look back and wonder where the time went. We look at our mistakes and vow to fix them for next year. We see the absence of those things “we were going to do” and we promise to do them this year. Don’t get me wrong, I think these are wonderful aspirations. I had to think though, what if today is all we have? Not to get morbid. But obviously none of us are promised tomorrow.

My goal is to first, take time for God EVERYDAY. Jesus needs to be first in my life, and not just in a skim through His word type of routine. I need to dig deep and soak up His words. Through that, I will know Him even better! Does this mean I will read ten chapters a day? No, probably not. But sometimes a lot can be learned from one verse. Either way, I want to be immersed in His word to draw closer.

Secondly, I want to take chances and take opportunities. Yes, it’s natural and even healthy to look back, reflect and see things we want to change. But I don’t want to simply look back and think, “oh yeah, that would’ve been nice.” I want to proactively meet some of those opportunities head on. Today is all we have.

I think that’s enough for tonight. Time to find my pillow, its been a long day. But now my mind is clear because I’ve let some of it out on this keyboard. I think I’m going to like this.


1 comment:

  1. I added this to my favorites list and will enjoy reading your thoughts! Have a good year and remember Jeremiah 29:11! Love you!

